What happens when a group of broke Computer Science students try to make a password manager? Obviously a perfect commercial success!
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Blog writeup
Billy Joel made a Wordpress blog!
Billy Joel made a blog on his home computer and has started working on it. It’s going to be so awesome!.Enumerate this box and find the 2 flags that are hiding on it! Billy has some weird things going on his laptop. Can you maneuver around and get what you...
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Madness writeup
Will you be consumed by Madness?
Please note this challenge does not require SSH brute forcing.
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BrookLyn Nine Nine writeup
This room is aimed for beginner level hackers but anyone can try to hack this box. There are two main intended ways to root the box.
This room is aimed for beginner level hackers but anyone can try to hack this box. There are two main intended ways to root the box. If you find more dm me in discord at Fsociety2006.
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Lian_Yu writeup
A beginner level security challenge
Welcome to Lian_YU, this Arrowverse themed beginner CTF box! Capture the flags and have fun.
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